
St John The Baptist Catholic Primary School "Together, through our words and actions, our work and play,We point towards Christ, each and every day"

British Values

The promotion of ‘British values’ is central to Catholic Education because British Values have their origin in the Christian values of our nation.

Through our Catholic faith, British Values and our Learning Values pupils will develop:


  • an understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process; 
  • an appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety;
  • an understanding that there is a separation of power between the executive and the judiciary, and that while some public bodies such as the police and the army can be held to account through Parliament, others such as the courts maintain independence;
  • an understanding that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law;
  • an acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour;
  • an understanding of the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination.



  • Exploring Catholic Social Teaching - Partitipation, Solidarity, Options for the Poor
  • School Council - class representatives elected by class after a manifesto presentation
  • Responding to pupil voice - new library, all weather sports pitch, play equipment
  • Writing to MPs - Junior Minister for Sport regarding gender equality
  • House Meetings led by House Captains
  • Debating in class
  • Enterprise Opportunties - Year 6 Trip, Snack Bar
  • Elections of House Captains and Year 6 Form Captains
  • Holding mock elections 
  • Class Charters
  • Pupil Conferencing 
  • Curriculum Coverage - Emily Davison, Ancient Greeks, Tudors, 
  • House Groups voting for own charities and raising funds


The Rule of Law

  • Classes creating “class rules”
  • A clear behaviour policy  
  • Think Safe
  • Fire Service - staying safe and the law (KS2)
  • RE curriculum - relfecting on what is right and wrong, religious law (i.e. 10 commandments, Precepts of the Church, Pillars of Islam, Three Duties of Sikhism) and the law of the land.
  • Computing and PSHE Curriculum - Esafety, Pegi Ratings, Rights of the Child, tobacco, alcohol and substance abuse
  • Outreach visits from the Police - Esafety, Social Networking and Staying Safe
  • Teaching about the development of the Rule of Law in English Law, a legal system created uniquely in a Catholic England, inspired by Christian values and becoming a major influence across the world 

Mutual Respect

  • Our Learning Values - Respect, Openminded, Compassion
  • Our Mission Statement  - 'We work together...'
  • Golden Table - promoting repect and manners at lunctime
  • Golden Leaves - Recognition of our Learning Values in action in school
  • Reading Buddies and Year 6/R Buddies
  • ELSA
  • Theraputic Story Writing
  • Participating in Anti-bullying week, Year 6 visit Chris Lubbe, Year 2 study Emily Davison and Rosa Parks  
  • School Ethos -  every person is unique and “created in the image of God”  
  • Learning alongside other schools - Year 2 Farleigh Buddies, Year 6 South African Day 
  • Supporting charitable works - Andover Food Bank, CAFOD, Children in Need, Shine, MacMillan Coffee Morning, Comic Relief, Sports Relief
  • Celebrating the cultural diversity of our school - European Day of Langauges, EMTAS Coffee Morning for parents, multi-cultural dance and music, Passport to the World events
  • PTA led multi-cultural culinary events


Individual Liberty

  • Children are taught to be aware of the choices they make and the impact those choices have on others
  • Through our Catholic Ethos we repect the choices others' make as God has given us the free will to make those choices
  • Studying Catholic Social Teaching - Learn about those who have spoken up for others (Oscar Romero, our House Saints, Emily Davison, Rosa Parks, Chris Lubbe and Nelson Mandela)
  • Writing to MPs - Junior Minister for Sport regarding gender equality
  • Visits from NSPCC, Andover Carers, CAFOD, Andover Food Bank, 
  • Fair Trade Day - Year 6 
  • Our Learning Values - Independence,  Aspiration, Repsect, Curious, Resilient, Openminded, Compassionate
  • Opportunities for reflection as children take responsibility to discern their vocation - worship, meditation, Special Spots, Prayer Garden, 
  • Participating in Anti-bullying week, Esafety week, Remembrance Service, 


Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

  • Promoting our Learning Values - Respect, Open-minded, Compassion 
  • Religious Education provides pupils with a deep understanding of their own faith as well as awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities as a basis for understanding and respecting them
  • RE is a core subject and we study different world faiths alongside our own faith - Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism
  • Show how Jesus encouraged tolerance in stories such as The Good Samaritan and The Woman at the Well 
  • Visits and visitors of other faiths - Southampton Mosque visit, Sikh visitor, Judaism Day in KS1
  • Recognise religious fesitvals and celebrations from other faiths within worship as well as across the curriculum


