Owls' After School Club
After School Club Assistant: Mrs P Christopher
After School Club Assistant: Ms C Campbell
Term Time: 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm (final collection at 5.45 pm, collection after this time is marked as late).
At the Owls' After School club, the children participate in various activities.
There are many games, puzzles, art & crafts, dressing up and role play opportunities for the children to do and a quiet area for those to sit and read or catch up on homework. The children also enjoy 'Film Friday' at the end of the week.
Different activities will be made available across the week to provide variety and interest.
We offer a range of delicious treats for the children to enjoy. These vary daily but include:
Milk, squash and water are always available to drink.
Cost 2024 - 2025
The cost for pre-booked regular attendance is £6.00 per session, which is payable in advance.
We also ask for parents to provide the school with 4 weeks notice.
Drop in sessions are £6.50 and are dependent on a space being available. If you would like a drop in session, please contact the School Office.