Encompassing World Book Day, our book weeks are themed and involve special classes, key stages, and whole school activities throughout the week. Recent activities have included book-based treasure hunts and mysteries to solve; themed teamed book quizzes; character presentations and parades; book recycling stalls; classroom book portals; themed writing competitions.
Reading Week 2023 celebrated everyone as a reader and featured many reading role models within our school community. We welcomed in many friends of SJB to read us stories and provide us with clues for the week's competition. Throughout the week, the children loved finding clues and hearing guest readers as well as working within teams to solve the mystery of the hidden book! The children had to use a variety of reading skills to help them solve the mystery whilst showing our Catholic Social Teachings of solidarity and participation to ensure everyone was included.
We also celebrated everyone as a reader through our World Book Day theme, Books Like Home, where we dressed as a book that reminds us of home.