Together, through our words and actions, our work and play, we point towards Christ each and every day.
“Our school is like a tree. God is the trunk and we are the leaves. We are all one family.”
Iyanu, Year 3
As a Catholic primary school, we understand that every child is unique and a precious gift. Our mission is to work in partnership with the home and parish to provide a Catholic education that puts Christ firmly at the centre of everything we do. We have been tasked by the diocese to prepare the children in our care to become global citizens.
Our Catholic identity permeates all areas of school life and prayer is the heartbeat of the day. Children are provided with opportunities to encounter God through their learning, their prayer and their interactions with others to support their spiritual journey and allow them to deepen their relationship with God.
Holy Days of Obligation and other key events in the liturgical year are celebrated across the school through liturgical prayer, Mass, Advent services, Nativity performances, reconciliation services and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Stations of the Cross, and the May Procession. Families and friends are warmly invited to join us in prayer as we mark our faith journey through the liturgical year.
At St. John the Baptist Catholic Primary School, we believe in the importance of supporting our children and their families in their journey of faith and doing what we can to support them. The seven sacraments are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage and Holy Orders.
Parents, family and friends are invited to attend the celebration of the Eucharist through Holy Mass at school every half term and those children who have completed their Reconciliation preparation programme through the parish can receive this sacrament at school during Advent and Lent.
As a school, we work closely with the parish Eucharistic Programme Coordinator to support children and families as they take the next step on their sacramental journey – Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Further information about this programme and the registration form can be found by contacting the parish office: 01264 352 829