
St John The Baptist Catholic Primary School "Together, through our words and actions, our work and play,We point towards Christ, each and every day"


"Who turned the wonderworld of the seas into underwater cemeteries bereft of colour and life?"

Catholic Bishops of the Philippines, 1988


The world was made by God, so we have a responsibility to take care of all creation. This not only includes the natural world - plants, rivers, animals - but also the people.  The way we speak to one another, the way we behave towards one another and how we reach out to support and care for those in need demonstrates our roles as Stewards of Creation.


In 2015, Pope Francis brought together decades of Church teaching in the encyclical, Laudato Si’. In this deeply influential letter, Pope Francis invites everyone on the planet to consider how our actions are affecting the earth and the poorest people. Everything is interconnected, and all of creation praises God. It is our Christian vocation to care for creation.   

Laudato Si' animation for children | CAFOD
