This policy has been approved and adopted by the Governing Body in July 2021 and will be reviewed in July 2023.
At St. John the Baptist Catholic Primary School we recognise the vital role parents play in the education of their children. We strongly believe in the value of home-school partnership, of which our homework policy is an important element.
Homework refers to tasks given to pupils by their teachers to be completed outside of usual lessons. Common homework activities in primary schools tend to be reading or practising spelling and number facts, but may also include more extended activities to develop enquiry skills.
How effective is it?
“It is certainly the case that schools whose pupils do homework tend to be more successful. However, it is not clear whether use of homework is a reason for this success. A number of reviews and meta-analyses have explored this issue.
There is some evidence that when homework is used as a short and focused intervention it can be effective in improving students’ attainment. The quality of the task set appears to be more important than the quantity of work required from the pupil.
The broader evidence base suggests that short focused tasks or activities which relate directly to what is being taught, and which are built upon in school, are likely to be more effective than regular daily homework.”
Education Endowment Foundation, Teaching and Learning Toolkit 2018
The purpose of homework at St John the Baptist Catholic Primary is:
To consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, particularly in English and Maths.
To develop an effective partnership between the school, parents and carers in our aspirations for each individual.
To extend or prepare for school learning and give children an opportunity to demonstrate their talents and skills.
To encourage pupils as they get older to develop the independence, confidence and self-discipline needed to study on their own, and to prepare them for the requirements of secondary school.
Dependent on year group, below is listed the core homework your child should be set by their class teachers and which they should complete each week. It is imperative that you read with your children at least 4 out of 7 nights a week in order to support their reading fluency and understanding.
At the beginning of the academic year, each year group will be informed of what is expected of them with regard to homework. At the welcome evening in September, teachers will explain the organisation of homework in their child’s class to parents.
The nature of homework will change as children get older. For children in Key Stage 1, developing a partnership with parents and carers, and involving them actively in children's learning is a key objective. Short activities of different kinds – reading together, learning spellings and number facts - provide a very important opportunity for young children to talk about what they are learning to an interested adult, and to practise key skills in a supportive environment.
For children in key stage 2, homework provides an opportunity for them to develop the skills of independent learning, which they will need to continue on the path of lifelong learning; this should increasingly become its main purpose. It is important that children should gradually get into the habit of regularly devoting periods of time, which may not be long, to study on their own.
Special educational needs (SEN)
Setting the right type and amount of homework for children with special educational needs will need careful consideration by the class teacher and co-ordination with both the SENDCo and parents. The objectives of homework outlined in this policy should apply equally to pupils with special educational needs.
Homework tasks for children with SEND should:
have a very clear focus and time-guideline;
give plenty of opportunities for pupils to succeed;
be varied;
be manageable for pupils, parents and teachers.
We are mindful that specific tasks in the form of My Support Plan targets for children with Special Educational Needs will be set. Parents will be made aware of this as appropriate.
Role of the school
- Monitor the effectiveness of the homework policy
- Support parents with the newer methods of teaching in English and Mathematics by offering parent meetings to put into context the development of English and Mathematics skills from Reception through to Year Six
- Support parents of children in Year 6 with sessions on successful revision
Role of the class teacher
- Plan homework as an integral part of curriculum planning as pre-learning or spaced practice linked directly to class teaching.
- Inform pupils and parents of homework timetables through discussion in class and at parents’ information meetings.
- Ensure homework tasks are designed to move learning forwards and lead to success for each child.
Role of the parents/carers
The school recognises that parents and carers have a key role to play in supporting pupils’ homework. The nature of this role will change as children get older. For much of their homework, particularly with younger children, parents and carers will be encouraged to become actively involved in joint homework activities.
- Encouragement and Praise are the keys to success
- Provide a reasonably peaceful, suitable place in which pupils can do their homework
- Give support and help but do not do the work for the children.
- Encourage your child to present their work carefully and complete any task with pride
- If any child does not understand a task, parents should encourage them to ask their teacher for further guidance.
- If you have any concerns about the levels of homework or the content etc., please see your child’s class teacher.