The Friends of St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School (FOSJB) work collaboratively with the school to create and enhance opportunities for all children by raising funds and organising fun-filled events! This school year, FOSJB has coordinated a range of wonderful events for all the family, with many more to come! The funds raised at these events have contributed to a range of enhancements and opportunities for all, including a brand new Trim Trail and our annual panto! A highlight for many was the Year 5 and 6 evening, where the Year 6 Class received their colourful Leavers' Hoodies, as chosen by them. These events are especially loved by the children; read Year 6's Friends of SJB Magazine below to find out their thoughts!
If you would like to get involved with our next event, please contact Miss Brooks.
A huge thanks to everyone who volunteered, donated raffle prizes, supported the non-uniform days, and importantly attended. You helped raise a grand total of £2,040 after all expenses. This is the most raised from any Christmas Fayre we have done. That means the total raised in the 2024 Calendar year is £7,350. In 2024, we were able to fund (amongst other things):
To put everyone’s mind at ease, our biggest learning from the Fayre was that we will never, ever again put the chocolate and bottle tombolas opposite each other in a corridor!! For those interested in what we do and how we try to achieve it, it will follow in the new year, but for now, thank you, thank you, thank you, and happy Christmas!
This year, we have a whole host of events to look forward to including our disco, Shrove Tuesday Breakfast, Easter Egg Hunt and more!
Thank you for your support by attending the Christmas Fair - it was a great event! We raised an impressive £1,500.
We are raising money to replace the Trim Trail with new equipment to encourage healthy, active lunchtimes.