What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
- In the first instance, you should speak with the class teacher. Meetings can be arrange by contacting the school office:
01264 361 806
- Alternatively, you could arrange to meet with our SENCO, Mrs Horrell
- Further meetings between parents, class teachers and the SENCO may follow to ensure all views have been considered
- A plan will then be made where parent, child, class teacher and SENCO work closely together.
What if my child’s needs are more complex?
If a child is displaying complex needs, we will seek specialist support for your child.
In this instance, we would speak to you to gain your permission before involving outside agencies.
The Outside Agencies we work with are:
- Therapists – Speech and Language, Occupational Therapists, physiotherapists
- Primary Behaviour Support
- Educational Psychologists
- Specialist Teachers –hearing and vision, multi-sensory and physical disability
- Advisory teachers - outreach schools and charities
- School Nurse
- Early Help Hub
Together, we ensure the right support and strategies are there for your child.
How does St John’s know what they are doing is right?
- Our SENCo engages in regular professional development to maintain a current understanding of how children with SEND learn.
- The senior leadership team regularly analyse pupil data to ensure all pupils are making the expected progress and plan professional development to further improve teaching and learning.
- The SENCo meets with the Head teacher, teachers and support staff, focusing on the progress and attainment of pupils.
- The SENCo, Head teacher and Deputy Head observe practice in class to ensure differentiation is effective and that Children with SEN are accessing the curriculum.
- Provision mapping is a tool we use to see, at a glance, the provision provided for all children and to ensure everybody who needs extra support is targeted.
- Our SEND Governor, Helen Hammond, is dedicated to ensuring high achievement for all our children with SEN and meets with our SENCO to monitor and evaluate how we are ensuring this happens.
- Additional support from specialists is valued and through a very close relationship with yourselves, your child’s teacher, LSA and SENCO it is reviewed continuously to make sure it is having the desired impact on the child’s learning.
Our provision is reviewed by Hampshire annually.