How does St John the Baptist know if a child needs extra help?
Most children will enter into the Reception Year and have their needs assessed as part of our transition programme:
- Nursery visits by class teacher and SENCO
- Home visits by class teacher and learning support assistant
- Story time visits to the school in the summer term
- Information provided by previous setting (attainment, safeguarding, attendance, SEND)
- Information packs completed by parents
- Information provided by Hampshire SEND team
- SEND surgeries between class teacher and SENCO within the first month of school
- Observations made by class staff and SENCO – “A day in the life of…”
- . Formative and Summative Assessments
When a child joins our school at other times of the year, their needs will be assessed by:
- Transfer of data from previous setting (attainment, statutory assessments, SEND, attendance)
- Transfer for safeguarding records (CPOMS)
- Professional discussion between SENCOs and class teachers
- SEND surgeries between class teacher and SENCO within the first month of school
- Observations made by class staff and SENCO – “A day in the life of…”
- Meeting between parents and SENCO/class teacher
Despite high quality inclusive teaching and whole school systems for assessing planning, implementing and reviewing progress, a child is not making expected progress, information is gathered by:
- Drawing of information from whole school systems
- Pupil Progress Meetings
- Triangulating attainment evidence – data, books, observations, professionals discussions
- SENCO surgeries
- Safeguarding review
- Parental voice
- Review of targets met/not met at My Support Plan Meetings (MSP)
- Review of screening tests or assessments (i.e. Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Language Link)
- Meetings between SENCO and LSAs delivering interventions
- View of the child and parent
- MSP meetings with parents, class teacher and SENCO each term
- MSP meetings with class teacher and SENCO each half term
- Annual ‘All About Me’ completed by parents and child at home
- Termly SEND drop-in meetings with SENCO to discuss emerging concerns
- External services to asses against external criteria
- Educational Psychologists
- Primary Behaviour Support Team
- Early Help Hub
- Link Speech and Language therapists
- Link Occupational Therapists
- Outreach SEND School Support (Norman Gate, Icknield, Wolverdene)
Charities (Let’s Go, AndoverTwenty1, Autism Hampshire)