
St John The Baptist Catholic Primary School "Together, through our words and actions, our work and play,We point towards Christ, each and every day"

Who's Who

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Colossians 3:17


Leadership Team


Mrs C Whatley - Headteacher

Mrs S Pearson - Deputy Headteacher & KS1 Lead

Mr K Downing -  KS2 Lead

Mrs T Hawkins - School Business Manager


School Office


Mrs T Hawkins

Mrs H Borley


Teaching Staff


ClassTeacherSupport Staff
Year R

Mrs R Millett

Miss P Blake

Miss K Barry/ Mrs S Noyes

Mrs J Warr

Year 1

Mrs S Pearson - Mon/Tues/Weds

Mrs L  Nawn -Thurs/Fri

Mrs G Saguna

Mrs L Poore

Year 2

Mr K Balcombe

Mrs A Pearce 

Mrs D Jones 

Mrs J Rodrigues

Year 3

Mr R Logie

Mrs R Juliff

Mrs E Lee

Year 4

Mrs G Nash (Maternity Leave)

Miss N Connor 

Mrs J Johnston

Mr Orchard

Year 5

Miss L Brooks

Mrs D Christopher

Mrs S Foley

Year 6

Mr K Downing

Mrs L Rooney


SEN and Inclusion


Mrs L Horrell - SENCO

Mrs J Rubinstein, Mrs D Christopher, Mrs J Rodrigues, Mrs J Warr - 1:1 support

Mrs L Rooney, Mrs A Pearce - ELSA support

Mrs D Christopher - Lunchtime support

Mrs Johnston - Thrive Practitioner


Larks/Owls Club


Miss P Blake - Leader

Mrs P Christopher -  Assistant 

Mrs C Campbell - Assistant

Mrs J Rodrigues - Assistant


Instrumental Teachers

Ms E Corbett  (HMS - Violin)

Mr R Gooding (HMS - Woodwind)

Mr Luke Stala (Rocksteady)




Mr P Bray
