At St. John the Baptist, our Science curriculum is one centered on the practical and investigative nature of the subject. We build upon and aim to maintain the natural curiosity of our pupils, to provide enjoyable learning opportunities that will appeal to the inquisitive nature of our pupils, to develop a deep and lasting interest in the phenomena in the world around them, and to have positive attitudes towards all areas of science with an understanding that science is accessible for everyone. We promote a passion for science, which encourages children to be inspired by science in the wider world and develop a questioning approach, to allow them to operate successfully as scientists.
At our school, science is about the study and growing understanding of the world around us and the knowledge that we obtain about it through working scientifically. This enables children to make sense of the world in which they live by observing over time, pattern-seeking, identifying, classifying, grouping, carrying out comparative and fair testing, and researching using secondary sources. We place great importance on working scientifically and believe that this brings the subject alive for our children.
Our curriculum is underpinned by the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage and is further supported by our learning values and the values of Catholic Social Teaching, especially Stewardship. With a focus on working scientifically, resilience is built and pupils are encouraged to see that investigative science is not about being right; in the words of Albert Einstein: ‘no amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.’ A systematic and organized way of thinking and working comes from involvement in investigative and enquiry-based work. The practical investigational work involves children choosing equipment, making predictions, testing hypotheses, and drawing conclusions. These activities will lead to an increased understanding of fair testing and variables, see changes over time, and provide many opportunities to enrich learning with links to other curriculum subjects.
At St. John the Baptist, there are a variety of science-focused school trips including Winchester Science Centre and Rooksbury Mill. Links with industry (Stannah STEM projects), local secondary schools and Universities (Focus 4 TAPS trial and CPD) are made as often as possible to enrich learning. Our fantastic School grounds are utilized as much as possible to support learning; our outdoor pond area supports plant, habitat, and life cycle areas of science.
We ensure that children leave St. John the Baptist having been introduced to a range of scientific experiences, with the ability to use and apply a variety of practical skills, with enquiring minds that are interested in continuing their scientific learning and use their knowledge for the benefit of our world.