How will the school involve me in my own child’s education?
- You will be invited to meet with the SENCO and class teacher termly to review targets and strategies for learning, adopting an Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach.
- In addition, There will also be an opportunity to meet with the SENCO termly through the ‘Welcome Back’ meetings
- SEND Drop-in sessions are available each term to discuss emerging needs to concerns with the SENCO
- In addition to your child’s annual report, you will have access to:
- Parent consultations (Autumn and Spring terms)
- Appointments with your child’s class teacher, made via the school office
- Transition meetings
- Annual Reviews for EHCPs (if applicable)
- We also encourage parents into school to see how their children learn and what they are learning. This could be in the form of:
- Seesaw & TEAMs online learning platforms
- Welcome meetings and Curriculum Information meetings for every class
- Curriculum Workshops
- Opportunities to join your child’s lesson
- Open School (an opportunity for parents to visit their child’s classroom and see what they have been working on)
- Open days
How will the school involve my child in their education?
- We ask parents to complete the annual ‘All About Me’ document alongside their child
- Pupil conferencing with class teacher and SENCo.
- Pupil voice forms an important part of target setting and deciding upon the strategies to achieve those targets.
- Where appropriate, children with an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) will contribute to their annual review and their thoughts are taken into consideration.
How will the school staff support my child?
- Class teachers remain responsible and accountable for the progress and development of pupils within their class, including where pupils access support from support staff or specialist staff.
- Learning Support Assistants work alongside class teachers to supplement, not replace, teaching and learning delivered by the teacher within the classroom.
- Learning will be differentiated according to your child’s needs and matched carefully to their stage of development, prior learning and next steps.
- Small steps of learning will be tailored to your child’s individual needs and scaffolding provided to support their developing understanding.
- Where targeted provision outside of the classroom are required, these will be 6-week interventions planned and evaluated by the SENCO and delivered by Learning Support Assistants under the guidance of the SENCO.
Learning Support Assistants work across classes and key stages to ensure expertise in specialist areas are used to the greatest impact.